OK, the (very loose) game is .25-.50 N/L Holdem. (It's the only cash game I can find in the area.) Bought in for $40.
First notable hand - Several hours into it, I was up to about $250. The seat to my right goes all in for his last $4 preflop. I look down down and find pocket 9s. I like to raise in this situation to drive out other potential competion, so I just doubled his bet to $8 total. I get 1 call from the BB, who only had .50 invested, but had to "defend his blind." Flop comes 10 - 6 - 10, rainbow. BB checks, so I figured it looks like a safe enough flop to bet $10 at. BB calls. Turn is a 5. BB checks, so I fire another $10. Another call by the BB. This guy will chase a gutshot or with two over cards, so I figured I was still safe at this point. River is a 9! Bingo, I boated! BB leads out with $15, so I figure he had 7-8 and hit his straight. I raise $50 more. He instantly says all in. So now I figure at best he has 6-6 or 5-5 and also has a boat, so I call $130 more. Final board 10-6-10-5-9. He flips over 10-6 offsuit. WTF?! Called a 16X the BB raise with 10-6 off?! I was slightly perturbed.
Second notable hand - I was back up to about $217. A preflop raise to $3.50 comes from a very crazy player in early position. 3 callers and then me in the SB. I look down at 3-5 offsuit. Not very impressive. But I am still slightly steaming from that earlier hand. So, I call. Flop comes 2h - 4h - 6d. Woohoo, I flopped the nuts! So, of course, I check it. Original raiser bets $10, the 10-6 offsuit guy from before raises to $20. Everyone else had folded by this time. I know either one of these guys will bet at a flush draw, so I decide to not let them see it cheaply. I reraise all in. Total bet from me = $213. Both players call, this put original raiser all in also for $186. WTF?! Original raiser shows KhKd- whew got him smoked! 10-6 offsuit guy shows Qh-3h. Seriously?! I knew one of them had to be on the flush draw. I figured as long as I could dodge a heart, I would triple up. Turn card is a 3c. Still safe and now the KK can not win! River is a 5s. Final board 2h-4h-6d-3c-5s. They both caught runner runner to make the same straight that I flopped. Oh well, at least the river wasn't the 5h.
Overall, it wasn't a bad night. Cashed out for nearly 5X what I bought in for.
See ya at the tables,
The Ogre
Sep 8, 2007
Poker Game Last Saturday
Posted by
The Ogre
1:03 AM
Labels: Poker Game
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