AA aka: American Airlines, Bullets, Rockets, Spikes.
Before the flop
Fancy - you take your hole cards and see this:
A of spades and A of diamonds
Wow! What a chance for you! Don't miss it. So if you have a pair like this - raise without any hesitation. Think - at that moment you're holding the best possible hand (or the nuts). Some people will "limp in" with this hand to try and trap, but if you don't hit a third ace on the flop, it can be disastrous.
Of course, you should involve as much money as possible. But be careful: all you want is to make your opponents reraise you - then you'll raise again. Though you can bet more than 3 or 4 times size of the Big Blind if someone had raised to this size before you: you should double his bet. It's very unlikely that he has a pair of aces in his hand. In any other case, as you understand, - he lose.
Pocket aces is a hand that allows you to go all in. What else can you do to get more money into the pot? If your opponent is an aggressive player then limp... he is LIABLE to bet.
On the flop
It's more difficult to decide what to do on the flop than before it. Your pocket cards are the same: two aces - AsAd. Now - the flop:
A of hearts, Q of diamonds, 7 of clubs
Don't show your excitement about the third ace! Check. Give your opponent an opportunity to act. Let them raise. The only danger for you is that someone can make a straight on fourth street.
Another flop:
Q of hearts, J of hearts, 3 of diamonds
If your see something like that - it's better to bet. Why? Because your opponent may be on a straight or a flush draw. Don't let him see the turn for free.
Now let's imagine that on the flop come:
7, 7, 7 (the suits are irrelevant at this point)
Full House! It's a 'nutty' day today, isn't it? Again - try to involve more money into the pot. There is a chance that someone has 7d in his hand... Try to remember your opponents actions before the flop. If you raised and they called you - I don't think that one of their cards could be 7.
And the last example:
10 of diamonds, 5 of diamonds, and 4 of diamonds
Nut flush draw... and best possible pair. You can check giving your opponent a spur to bet. He may have a flush but it is very unlikely. So you can even go all in this situation.
Aug 28, 2007
Pocket Aces
Posted by
The Ogre
4:36 AM
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